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Your Office Spring Cleaning Checklist
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Office Spring Cleaning Checklist

Your Office Spring Cleaning Checklist

All Melbourne businesses get busy thought the year. At these busy times mess builds and grime and dirt collects. The first thing you need to understand is it’s not your fault. Even if you’re a business owner who is highly organised (which I’m sure you are) you won’t be able to get to everything.

What’s more, you can’t control everything and everyone around you. Your staff and even sometimes your customers will create mess without you knowing.

But I already have a cleaning company

Yes, this may be true but there are a couple of things you need to consider.

  • There are a lot of cleaning companies out there but they’re definitely not all the same. Some, just don’t apply a high enough standard to their work. They seem content in doing the minimum possible.
  • Even with a great cleaning company dirt, grime and mess will inevitably build up. This is the whole pretence for a spring clean.
  • Finally, out of respect for you and your employees, cleaners try not to move around personal belongings. Often staff will leave their things on and around their desk and this makes it quite hard for cleaners to do their job properly. This is actually, an excellent virtue as respect for personal belongings should be the highest priority.

What is the best time to get my office cleaned?

It really depends on your business and the industry you are in. You should consider when your peak times are and when you have the least activity.

For most businesses, this is around the Christmas period when employees go home for the holidays.

Do I need to prepare a spring clean?

Yes! Whether it’s going to be you or a professional commercial cleaning company, you must do a pre-clean declutter.

Here are a few things to look out for:

  • Clear out everything on the desks
  • Clear out from under the tables and desks
  • Clear out kitchen refrigerator
  • Organise cabinets and draws
  • Remove excess chairs

It helps to get you staff involved in this process. They will be the best people who can get rid of all that excess stuff!

Office Cleaning Checklist

Conference Room

After you have gotten your office organised you can move onto a deep clean of the office. Below we have listed a complete office spring cleaning checklist to help simplify the process.

Office and Desks

  • Wipe down and sanitize office desks
  • Wipe down and sanitize keyboards and monitors
  • Wipe down and sanitize outside of draws and cabinets
  • Vacuum underneath desks


  • Clean and sanitize toilet seats and bowls, urinals and cisterns
  • Clean and sanitize basins, taps and pipe work
  • Replenish toilet roll holders
  • Empty rubbish bins, wipe clean, disinfect and replace bin liners
  • Clean and sanitize bathroom floors
  • Replenish hand towels and hand soap in all accessible toilets
  • Clean and sanitize mirrors
  • Clean and sanitize , dispensers, vanities, tables and baby change tables, benches and seats
  • Wipe clean all tiled surfaces remove splash marks on floor


  • Cleaning all kitchen surfaces
  • Cleaning inside/outside of cupboard, microwave, fridge and dishwasher
  • Wiping all light switches, door frames, washing machine, skirting boards
  • Wipe window sills, frames and window edges
  • Vacuum and mop floor.
  • Empty rubbish bins, wipe clean, disinfect and replace bin liners
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General Areas  

  • Dust partitions, frames and furniture
  • Dust and clean tops of mirrors
  • Spot clean doors and light switches
  • Wash and disinfect hard floors
  • Vacuum and steam clean carpets
  • Remove all spider webs internally throughout building
  • Remove all spider webs and externally at front entrance
  • Vacuum and dust vents, window ledges and window sills

Office Cleaning Melbourne – Elm Cleaning 

Whether you are a small or medium-sized business, regular office cleaning is an essential part of to the way you represent your business. A beautifully cleaned environment shows off both your professionalism and your attention to detail to your customers.

We are Elm Cleaning and we specialise in cleaning Melbourne businesses. So if you are interested in having your workplace cleaned by a professional team of cleaners we would be happy to help.We can guarantee our commercial cleaners who visit are not only top notch professionals but will also respect your working environment.

Contact us today on 1300 941 498 or visit our Melbourne office cleaning page for more information.


We take great care to ensure personal items are kept personal. This is why all our employees go through an in-depth screening check which includes a National Police Check.

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